While the salaries for teaching English in Western Europe can be in the $1,200 to $2,000 range, it can be hard to live on this amount. If you’re looking to earn a modest salary, try teaching in Poland or the Czech Republic. Both have relatively low living expenses, and are ideal for people looking to travel and earn extra money while they’re in Europe. You can even find a teaching job that pays for your accommodation!
If you’re a native English speaker from a European country, or from the US or Canada, you can apply for positions in Budapest, Poland, and Slovakia. You can also teach in the countryside if you don’t have a degree. The minimum qualifications for the positions in Budapest are an undergrad degree in any subject, a TEFL certification, and 20 hours of teaching experience. The average salary for CETP teachers in Hungary is $500 a month, and health insurance is provided by the government.
If you’re interested in teaching English in Europe, it is possible to find a job without a degree – a BA is a requirement – but it is not impossible. Just make sure you’re fluent in English – and you’ll be on your way to a European lifestyle in no time anxnr. There’s no reason not to take the plunge – check out your options today and enjoy the European lifestyle before summer!