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nesta situação, se mudar de direcção à direita no próximo entroncamento, incorro numa:

Making a right turn is a common maneuver on the road. It is a simple maneuver that can easily be done by drivers of all experience levels. However, there are potential pitfalls that one should be aware of when making a right turn at an intersection. In this article, we will discuss the potential risks of making a right turn at an intersection and how to avoid them.

Making a Right Turn

Making a right turn at an intersection is a relatively simple maneuver. The most important thing to remember when making a right turn is to look both ways before turning. This is to ensure that there are no other vehicles that could be in the way of the maneuver. Additionally, drivers should make sure to signal their intention to turn right before doing so. This will alert other drivers to the maneuver and help to avoid any potential accidents.

Potential Pitfalls

When making a right turn at an intersection, there are a few potential pitfalls that drivers should be aware of. The first potential pitfall is failing to check for oncoming traffic. Drivers should always check for oncoming traffic before making a turn, as this could result in a collision. Additionally, drivers should be aware of any pedestrians that may be crossing the street. Failing to yield to pedestrians can lead to serious injury or even death.

The second potential pitfall is turning too wide. When making a right turn, drivers should make sure to turn in a straight line. Turning too wide could cause the vehicle to drift into oncoming traffic or even into a sidewalk. This could result in a collision or an accident.

The third potential pitfall is failing to signal. Drivers should always signal their intention to turn right before doing so. Failing to signal can lead to confusion and potential accidents.

Making a right turn at an intersection is a relatively simple maneuver that can be done by drivers of all experience levels. However, there are potential pitfalls that one should be aware of when making a right turn at an intersection. Drivers should always check for oncoming traffic, turn in a straight line, and signal their intention to turn right. Following these steps will help to ensure the safety of all drivers and pedestrians.

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